Builder Spotlight - Bret Crandell

Builder Spotlight - Bret Crandell

We thought it would be fun to ask our builders to answer some questions so we can get to know them a bit better. Below you will find their un-edited responses & some photos that represent them and their work/life.. Show these folks some love!! Say hello when you see them in the crowd at the Show!

Name: Bret Crandell


Name Of Shop/Business/Nickname (If you don't have one, type NONE): Obsessive Compulsive Designs

Instagram : @ocdbuilt

Website Address (Type NONE if you don't have one:

Email Address:

What's your daily rider? And Why? Any mods you have planned for it in-the future?

Black 96 Harley Fatboy. Why? I enjoy riding around like the terminator, duh ;) Mods...just a couple small things like polishing the fork lowers, upgrading some fasteners, etc

What bikes do you currently own?

96 Harley Fatboy, 07 Ducati Monster S4RS, 07 Buell Firebolt XB12R, 66 BMW R50

Favorite part you have ever used, fabricated or bought?

I'm gonna say the triple clamps on my sportster build...they're the first major part I ever designed myself.

Best Track you have ever Raced on? Why?

When I was a kid, Morelands MX in stanton MI. My very first race was there.

Podcast Suggestions? What are you listening to these days?

Mainly youtube...Soft White Underbelly has my attention. So many interesting stories of people's lives!

Is there anything you are working on currently that you're excited about?  Does not have to be a motorcycle.  House project? Jumps in the backyard for the kid? TreeHouse? Custom Chopper? Custom Meat Smoker?

I'm excited to jump back on my Sportster tracker build...big plans for that thing!

Best Experience at a motorcycle event? Which Event? (Please don't feel like you have to say MT/FOF. This is not about that!)

World trials round in Arizona a few years back. Toni Bou is a magician!

Rank your TOP Motorcycle activities. Street? Bar-Hopping? Flat Track Racing? Single Track? FMX? Ice Racing? Looking cool in front of the ladies and or gentleman? (Choices not limited to these suggestions)

Street, easy relaxing rides, flat track racing, MX, trials

What is your earliest memory related to motorcycles? Or what was your first moto/mini bike? Do you still have it?

Earliest memory was riding on my dads and uncles dirtbikes with them when I was really young. It scared the crap out of me initially.

Is there any questions we have not asked yet that you have been dying to answer??  Now is your time to shine.  Let us have it. 

Dream bike? A pair of original old boardtrackers...maybe a Harley and an Indian...unrestored

Best Motorcycle Crash? Good or Bad? Still riding afterwards?

I crashed pretty hard as a teen casing a big double...I was pretty jacked for a few days, but no serious injuries thankfully!

How did you get started fabricating/painting/building/collecting?

I guess I just grew up with it. Motorcycles have always been a part of my life. I don't want to work for someone else for the rest of my life, so I started putting my shop together...I'm still on my journey to quitting my day job, but I'm moving in the right direction!

If you could invite a Builder/Bike to Mama Tried, who would that be?

Oooh...there are a lot of super talented dudes out there. I'm just gonna throw out @tossa.r. I've seen some awesome builds out of them. I'd love to see some of them in person.

What other stuff influences you? Books, architecture, cooking, painting, hot rods, movies, etc?

Women, Health/fitness, travel, building/construction/woodwork, books, learning, more women

If you could travel to any country, where would you go and why? (This could be a place you’ve already been)

I was supposed to go to the Philippines this year, but Covid got in the I'll go with that. I need a beach and some sunsets for a couple weeks.

If you had 6 months where you didn’t have to worry about financial, professional or personal obligations, what would you want to do with that time?

Travel, no doubt

Favorite book that comes to mind?

Bio of Steve Jobs

If you had an unlimited budget, what bike would you buy/build?

An early Harley original and unrestored as possible

What's your most memorable road trip and why? And what’s an item you always bring?

Probably California...I drove HWY 1 by myself one year. Phone for sure...not for the phone, but for the music

Favorite Restaurant? Why?

Gotta be Bongiornos Pizza (my local Flint spot) kryptonite. Best Pepp/bacon pizza eva!

Favorite sandwich?

Is a hamburger a sandwich??? 'Merica...hahaha

Any Brand Loyalty when it comes to motorcycles? Or do you operate ur collection like a Swiss Army Knife? Please Explain.

No brand loyalty necessarily...I like cool shit, regardless of brand. You'll never see a Japanese cruiser in my stable though (insert vomit emoji)

3 favorite bands (off the top of your head)?

Mac Miller, Bear's Den, Odesza...hows that for variety???

Anyone to Thank, give props, talk shit  or say hello to?

Bryan for volunteering to be my photo/video guy lately...been super fun. Jon for all the support keeping my mental game on and letting me borrow his trailer to get here. F#ck all the haters along the way. And my Snoop Dog moment...I wanna thank ME for believing in myself...I wanna thank ME for all the perseverance and hard work...I wanna thank me for all the sacrifice.

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