Builder Spotlight - "Nitrous" Chris Singsme
We thought it would be fun to ask our builders to answer some questions so we can get to know them a bit better. Below you will find their un-edited responses & some photos that represent them and their work/life.. Show these folks some love!! Say hello when you see them in the crowd at the Show!
First Name:
Last Name:
1989 Honda Hawk GT
Name Of Shop/Business/Nickname (If you don't have one, type NONE):
Moto Milwaukee
Instagram Handle (Please use the @ symbol in front of it):
Website Address (Type NONE if you don't have one):
Best Motorcycle Crash? Good or Bad? Still riding afterwards? :
Too hot into a corner, I lost it in front of a dump truck, he missed me, I picked the bike up and kept going!
Favorite part you have ever used, fabricated or bought? :
Headlight on the 1190RX & SX. Max light output per DOT, integrates to fairing design, and functionally part of the front end. A lot of tech, style, and function.
Best Track you have ever ridden on? Why?:
I rode the Milwaukee Mile Road Course one time on two wheels, it's the best because it's MILWAUKEE!
Best Experience at a motorcycle event? Which Event? (Please don't feel like you have to say MT/FOF. This is not about that!):
The HD home town rally is always great. Also the, Muskegon Rebel Road Motorcycle Rally, short Ride across lake Michigan, and had a great party.
Rank your TOP Motorcycle activities. Street? Bar-Hopping? Flat Track Racing? Single Track? FMX? Ice Racing? Looking cool in front of the ladies and or gentleman? (Choices not limited to these suggestions):
South kettles are pretty fun.
What is your earliest memory related to motorcycles?:
5 or 6 years old on the back of a Goldwing
How did you get started fabricating/painting/building/collecting?:
I got a job at Buell and got the bike building bug. Working with Erik Buell and the elves would inspire anybody. Dream a crazy dream, then build it!
If you could invite a Builder/Bike to Mama Tried, who would that be?:
Luigi Colani -that guy had some weird ideas. Would have liked to have had a beer with that guy.
What other stuff influences you? Books, architecture, cooking, painting, hot rods, movies, etc?:
Sci Fi, anytime you can get out of your brain and dream about a far off place, you are going to be inspired about something.
If you could travel to any country, where would you go and why? (This could be a place you’ve already been):
Have never been to Japan, would love to see the car and bike culture.
If you had 6 months where you didn’t have to worry about financial, professional or personal obligations, what would you want to do with that time?:
Build some kind of a street fighter, then take a long ride with a few good friends.
Favorite book that comes to mind? :
X play nation of action sports
If you had an unlimited budget, what bike would you buy/build?:
1980 NR750
What's your most memorable road trip and why? And what items do you always bring?:
Florida Keys, beef jerky and mountain dew.
Favorite sandwich?:
Angry Chicken! jugs hitching post.
3 favorite bands (off the top of your head)?:
Audioslave, a day to remember, steel panther