Builder Spotlight - Ben and Jess Schattschneider
Who the hell is “Questionnaire”?
We thought it would be fun to ask our builders to answer some questions so we can get to know them a bit better. Below you will find their un-edited responses & some photos that represent them and their work/life. Show these folks some love!! Say hello when you see them in the crowd at the Show!
Name: Ben & Jessica Schattschneider
Name Of Shop/Business/Nickname: Never Ending Cycles
Instagram: @never_ending_cycles123
Website Address: www.neverendingcycles.com
Email Address: neverendingcycles0@gmail.com
What's your daily rider? And Why? Any mods you have planned for it in-the future?
Yamaha XS650 and the KZ400 in the show. Currently building a 1983 BMW R65 plus currently have 20 commissioned builds for clients.
What bikes do you currently own?
Harley Road King, Yamaha XS650, KZ400, BMW R65
Favorite part you have ever used, fabricated or bought?
Purchased. NWT Cycletronics X21
Best Track you have ever Raced on? Why?
Yet to race…does our cul de sac count? ;)
Podcast Suggestions? What are you listening to these days?
Joe Rogan and Smartless
Is there anything you are working on currently that you're excited about? Does not have to be a motorcycle. House project? Jumps in the backyard for the kid? TreeHouse? Custom Chopper? Custom Meat Smoker?
Our 1964 C15 sleeper style pick up truck
Best Experience at a motorcycle event? Which Event? (Please don't feel like you have to say MT/FOF. This is not about that!)
Vintage MotoFest at Road America
Rank your TOP Motorcycle activities. Street? Bar-Hopping? Flat Track Racing? Single Track? FMX? Ice Racing? Looking cool in front of the ladies and or gentleman? (Choices not limited to these suggestions)
For Jess it’s been learning to ride, venturing off by myself and showing my world that you’re never too old to do new things. And I do think I look pretty cool.
What is your earliest memory related to motorcycles? Or what was your first moto/mini bike? Do you still have it?
Jess grew up hanging out in the garage with her dad while he wrenched on the Harley choppers his friends stored. I got into the metal flake that I thought was glitter and even ate a light bulb as a toddler. Ben ran himself over with his Yamaha 125 three wheeler.
Is there any questions we have not asked yet that you have been dying to answer?? Now is your time to shine. Let us have it.
Oh we shine all on our own…you’ll see
Best Motorcycle Crash? Good or Bad? Still riding afterwards?
Ben hit a deer with his Virago and broke his collar bone.
How did you get started fabricating/painting/building/collecting?
Born our of the first covid shutdown actually. That bike sold in about 30 minutes once posted and it was so fun Ben built another…two years and almost 30 bikes later it’s a growing and developing passion everyday.
If you could invite a Builder/Bike to Mama Tried, who would that be?
Nathan at Boxer Works
What other stuff influences you? Books, architecture, cooking, painting, hot rods, movies, etc?
Vintage Porsches, hot rods, fashion and interior design
If you could travel to any country, where would you go and why? (This could be a place you’ve already been)
It would be a tough choice…Europe as a whole with significant time in Germany and Italy. Our favorite places for car, fashion and architecture/design as well as the countrysides.
If you had 6 months where you didn’t have to worry about financial, professional or personal obligations, what would you want to do with that time?
We would travel with an RV and a couple of bikes and tour bike shops and customers throughout the country.
Favorite book that comes to mind?
It’s Not About the Bike by Lance Armstrong
If you had an unlimited budget, what bike would you buy/build?
All of them…we want a fleet!
What's your most memorable road trip and why? And what’s an item you always bring?
A trip to California to deliver a bike to a Green Beret. It was Ben and Jess’ first road trip and more memories were built signing and laughing in the car than any of the destinations.
Favorite Restaurant? Why?
That’s an impossible question! We’re both foodies and love to sit over drinks and connect with each other. Our favorite places know to give us at least 45 minutes before we even start to think about ordering.
Favorite sandwich?
Cubano or BLT
Any Brand Loyalty when it comes to motorcycles? Or do you operate ur collection like a Swiss Army Knife? Please Explain.
No brand loyalty! There are things Ben has loved about each bike and he’s built many! Definitely has one he swears to never build again…you can ask him personally.
3 favorite bands (off the top of your head)?
Lucero, High Top and Need to Breathe
Anyone to Thank, give props, talk shit or say hello to?
Thanks to all of our followers and customers! That’s who we’re really representing at Mama Tried!